Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you get rid of a shopping addiction? is that a obsessive compulsive disorder?

how do u break the habit of obsessive shopping? is that a mental disorder? or just a habit you form within a time frame?|||You ask far too broad of a question to be answered here. What is OCD for one person may be only a bad habit for someone else. OCD is not just a bad habit. If it was, we would call it BHD (Bad Habit Disorder). There is lots of help available for individuals with OCD but it has to be for the individual. The best treatment for one may not be the best for another. As easy as it is to put off, go and talk to a professional. Options beside the family Dr or psychiatrists are Psychologists, MSWs, counselors or addiction specialists. They can help you find the answers that are the right fit for you. No need to suffer if there is help available.|||Run out of money %26amp; end up homeless.|||many people shop a lot because they are unhappy. some research shows that people who spend lots of money do it either because they feel they have no power, and spending their money is one way they can exercise the power they think that they have. your best bet is to talk to your doctor and maybe see a psychiatrist, if necessary. hope this helps!|||Cut up all of your credit cards and pay for what you buy with cash. That will curb your spending. If that doesn't work, you need therapy.|||it gives a brief emotional high and feeling of wellbeing. It replaces something else /need not being met. It also allows you denial in that you aren't keeping track of your money,esp if shopping with credit cards. The stores are set up for impulse shopping. once in the store, you will find the exits are well hidden and there are no clocks , all designed to keep you in the store as long as possible. If you can afford everything you buy, lucky you. if not, and just need to "shop", better off going to Goodwill. I shopped way too much, I learned it was because I was trying to make myself feel better. I have been dx'd with a serious illness, I knew I didn't feel well and something was wrong, so shopping became a distraction, even though exhausting. Now that I know what is wrong, and am on disability, I was forced to pay attention to shopping/money. as now any extra money goes towards medical bills, even with insurance. So, find another outlet, or learn to buy only one thing, pay cash only, see what's in your closet as you may already have 10 black skirts or shoes,etc. Stay away from the malls. It's an extremely bad habit. replace it with saving money and see how much more you will have, that's a better habit. It's a real hard reality unless you like living on the edge of barely having any money and using credit cards. Otherwise, you may need to file bankruptcy when you least expect it....|||I think that it's not really a serious thing. I love to shop, and it's become a habit whenever im in town. I can't really say that it's a bad thing, but then, I don't know HOW serious it is for you. Are you REALLY REALLY obssessed??? Or do you think this is some sort of fancy about yourself? Sorry, thats not supposed to offend you by the way.

Oh well, Good luck with cureing it!


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