Sunday, September 18, 2011

How much money should I take for shopping?

So I'm going for a day trip to Vancouver shopping. Transportation wil cost like 50$... we are planning to go to like 2 malls, and ikea.. And yes I'm planning in buying lots. Do u think 200$ plus the 50$ and my debit wich has a 100$ limit would be a good plan?|||$400....|||Well it depends on a couple things. First of all, how old are you? Do you have a checking account? And why do you have a limit on your debit card? I'm assuming that you are too young for a checking account of your own and this is somehow monitored by a parent maybe? Also, what kinds of things do you plan on purchasing? You could need anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands depending on what kind of shopping you are doing. If you are a teenager and planning on buying moderately priced clothing and things like that, then what you said should be more than enough. But if I am right about the age, and there is some reason why you can't put all of this in an account and carry cards, then I suggest you be very careful to look after your money. When I was a teen and I would carry cash, I had large amounts of money stolen from me on a few occasions and probably had smaller amounts stolen that I never noticed. If you are ever carrying more than 100 in cash, keep a very close eye on it. Have fun;)|||$500.00 will do|||a lot

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