Friday, September 23, 2011


i always see nice things on teh internet and stuff.

but when i go to buy this stuff it just doesn't seem 2 suit me i get really nervous cause i always think i look shupid for some reason.

can you put some nice easy looks together for a 14 year old slim girl from shops in the uk or where you can order to the uk.

i really enjoy shopping as its also spending time with my mum but i alwasy feel really nervous and that nothing looks rite.

thank you =)|||How about this shirt...鈥?/a>

and... these pants...鈥?/a>

these shoes..鈥?/a>

or this shirt would look cute with diffrent shoes....鈥?/a>

Also if your slim.. Skinny leg jean likes these look very cute鈥?/a>

hope this helps =]|||This is a brand new on-line shop that just opened. They have really nice things at affordable prices. Check out their summer sandals.

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|||if you're slim you can go with a lot of different styles.

i think a really good site to try is the sartorialist where he takes pictures of the best dressed people in nyc he can find. look at some of the younger girls there (20s). a really good starting point.

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Shoes鈥?/a>|||The only stuff I buy on the internet is shoes. With clothes you absolutely have to try them on at the store to make sure they fit correctly. You're feelings about shopping are true, a lot of clothes look great on the rack and then don't fit right, even when you're in the store in person. I'll pick up fifteen things and only buy one. So trying to eye something online and see that is looks great is 5 times as difficult.|||Im 13 and slim. I love Jane Norman tops cause they look reli gud and their gud quality. They are expensive but u will find sommot u like guaranteed. Hope this helps. xx

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