Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do I remove a shopping bag stain from hardwood floor?

The logo from a shopping bag transferred to my hardwood floor in the heat. I have tried scrubbing and mopping to remove it, but no luck. I have seen suggestions for removing from a linoleum floor, but none for hardwood. Anyone had any experience with this?|||you can try this stuff called HOWARDS. its like a stain. you find the color close to your floor

color. rub it on with very fine steel wool. wipe off the stain with a rag. is this laminate or real

wood? i've used it on both. if its real wood and this doesn't work, you can sand the stain out

and re stain. laminate you can't sand you would have to replace that piece.|||Your only hope aside from sanding the floor is to take a wet towel and an iron and try to steam it out.|||Have a horrid feeling that would involve sanding and resealing the wood?

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