Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do you use your Shopping Card on Animal crossing City Folk?

I have a shopping card but don't know how to use it? Do you have to put bells on it or something?|||You use it in the city. The bells you have in your account are on the card. it's like ea debt card. Whatever you have to spend you can spend. Gracie Grace is one of the stores you can use it at.|||how do u use it htough when i buy something in the city it takes it from my pockets sdo i need no money in my pockets for it to work???

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|||Well, the first thing to do is put all the bells you need into your bank.

Then, go to the City, and use it on any store you want!

This only works on the City Stores.

I wouldn't suggest for you to use it, just use the money you have and put it in your inventory. Unless you're buying something at the Gracie Grace store. The only point of it is for you to easily buy something without at Gracie Grace without having a 99, 000 Bells bag in your inventory.

Hope I helped!|||the money that you put in your account using the ABD machine is the money on your card.

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