Sunday, September 18, 2011

How do you make your shopping list every week?

Hi, I am running out of time every week to sit down and make a shopping list. How do you make yours? I don't want to go to the store without one because it seems like when I do, I forget what I really need and still end up spending double. All advise will be helpful. Thanks!|||I make a list of meals I want to make for the week. I cook Sunday-Thursday. Then I make my shopping list from the "menu" for the week.|||our neighborhood grocery store (Big Y) sends out a flyer the day before the sale begins for a week. Based on whats a good buy, I decide what we are going to have for dinner for the week, and just shop with the flyer. Oh, and for those of you who forget to bring the flyer......they have tons on hand at the store.|||I do mine on Sat or Sun, Go through the cabnets see what I have, decide on what I am cooking (ask family for suggestions), then fill in the gaps on the list.|||keep a memo pad on the refrigerator and write stuff down as you run out. or if you look through it and you're like "man i wish i had some ______ " then you write that on the memo pad as well. then at the end of the week its already made for you.|||God bless my 84 yr old mom .she sits down with the ad every week and matches coupons with items. It is worth the time because her weekly savings is about $30.|||I plan a weekly menu and make my list based on what ingredients I don't have for those recipes. I try to make things that I have most of the ingredients already for so it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg to make a specific dish. Though if something is buy one get one free, I will pick it up if I know I'll be using the item soon. Your frequently used items like milk, bread and eggs are just naturally remembered to buy. I just went to the store a little while ago and I got groceries for the week for about $40 for my family of three. I saved $23 in coupons and buy one get one free items. By menu planning, you greatly reduce the items you wouldn't need to buy if you weren't making that dish, therefore, you save money each week.|||I keep what I call a running grocery list. When I run out of something or notice I'm low on it, it goes on the list. Then when I go to the store I have it in my wallet. Then I can pick and choose what I really need that day. Like if I have mushrooms down, I might think "Nah, I won't use those for another 5 days" so I'll skip some things. I also track our food expenses in Excel, and it's really interesting to look back and see what you bought and when. Like today when I put in the expenses, I noticed that I bought red onions only 8 days ago and yet I was entering more red onions. Or like how fast you go through milk. It's really an eye-opener!|||I write things down as I need them. I review it before I go to the store and look through my cupboards and fridge to see if there is anything else that I might need. Also, it helps to write your list in the order of the aisles of the store you are going shopping at (or group your list by fruits, veggies, meats, etc) - this will also save time once you get to the store so you don't have to back-track any.|||I shop per day. I just find that I have less food go to waste. If I have left overs from the night before..I figure out what I need minimal to make a meal for the next night. I actually save money this way and everything gets used. I hate having to fight a full refrigerator everyday to find something and always always..I end up throwing away a bunch of food because "I THOUGHT" I was going to cook it.|||very carefully.|||I have a dry erase board on my freg. I have my hubby write down what he thinks sounds good for meals for the next week. As the week goes on i try to jot stuff down that we need or are going to need so when i go I just copy it down and go|||On the night before I go shopping (after I put the kids to bed and the house is FINALLY quiet!), I sit down with the cookbooks I use most often and start picking out recipes. I'll write down all the meats in the dishes (because I don't buy extra and I know I'll need it to make the dish) then I start scouring the pantry, freezer and spice cabinet to see what I have and what I'll need. I make two lists--one for meat/dairy and one for produce/frozen/boxed/canned goods. The next night, my husband takes one kid, one shopping cart and one list and I take the other kid, the other list and my own shopping card, and we can bang out a $300 shopping trip in about 30 minutes between the two of us. :)|||I keep a note pad in the kitchen and as I think of stuff or run out of stuff I can add to the list and then the day I am gonna go I just open the frig. and cabinets and double check and I also arrange my grocery list by aisle as I shop the same store everytime I know the store by heart makes it faster and it also stops me from buying stuff that I really don't need. Hope this helps|||If you have access to computer and internet there are quite a few websites that offer grocery lists you can print out --- before you print you can customize them down to the name brand you generally use. Then you can put it on fridge or somewhere handy and just circle as you go....or cross off what you don't need that week. Example sites are:鈥?/a>|||i take a few minutes on thursday nites to scan the sales papers, and make up a menu for the next week, based on what's on sale, what someone in the family asked for, whatever. Then I make my grocery list from that, and then add in the "we're out of ...." list that I keep taped to the fridge.

Sounds complicated, but after a week or two, you get the hang of it and the process is really quick. This way, I always have what I need to make supper and can avoid those last minute trips to the store|||It would seem that the time you are wasting by hitting the store all the time instead of once a week would add up to the extra time you need to do the list.|||We have a list on the fridge. When something runs out (or you think of something you want) just write it on the list!

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