Saturday, October 1, 2011

How much landfill spae is filled with paper and plastic shopping bags?

I need to write a flier and need a lot of information on non-reusable shopping bags.

One thing in particular that I really need to know is how much landfill space is filled by paper and plastic bags? Plastic in particular??

Thanks, and please put anything you know because I need a lot of information!

Also, Please site the information you have, or else I cannot use it.|||Our largest landfill is our ocean, but the second link offers %'s in our earth landfills also. It seems they don't specify the differences in plastics, so I hope this helps. :-);DID=6077|||well, i dunno the landfill space but i do know this:

after hurricane Katrina, the only things that seemed to have survived were thousands of plastic bags. They were everywhere, in trees, in the water, and pretty much everywhere else because the whole place was flooded with water.

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